RAW Chocolate Chia & Coconut Mousse

I adore this RAW chocolate Mousse. There’s something about Mousse, the comforting, light, creamy texture – and it’s even better when it’s nutritionally great for your cells as well as your mind. Who could ask for more????… For some reason I always want to eat Mousse very slowly, I’m not sure why…

RAW chocolate Mousse is PERFECT for a  ‘COLD DAY’ – which for me is TODAY. It’s been great so far – I still cannot believe how much more energy I have when I eat mainly RAW. Obviously this would still be great on a ‘HOT DAY’ as I still eat lots of RAW goodness (it’s not hard once you start, honest…)

This RAW Chocolate Mousse is fantastically easy and  quick too – if you’re craving something smooth and sweet then you’ll be enjoying this in less than 10 minutes… SUPER healthy, so gorgeously guilt free too…

All you need is a good blender and some quality super foods.

RAW chocolate chia
The ‘Moussey’, light, firm texture is created by blending the Chia seeds – they’re great, so versatile and make deserts super easy and quick to complete. Mixed with the ingredients the texture will be very Mousse like. I really do enjoy the texture of whole, crunchy Chia, but I know many of you prefer a smoother texture – and whole would make it more of a ‘pudding’ than a ‘mousse’.

The addition of Avocado – my favourite ‘good fat’ makes this desert even healthier – in fact, this would also be perfect for breakfast, lunch,  – actually anytime at all – you’re body will love you. Just EAT IT.

It’s simple. All you need to do is blitz all the ingredients in the food processor for a few minutes to help break down the Chia and create a lovely creamy, light consistency. Depending on the quality of your food processor you may be better off adding and blending the Chia seeds and Almonds first to give them more of a chance to break down before you add the rest of the ingredients. I don’t own a Vitamix (YET) but my MagiMix does a perfect job.

When I first made this – I NEEDED a quick chocolate mousse, however I’ve made it a couple of times since, and basically the longer you leave it, the deeper and richer the flavor – it’s definitely worth waiting. So, it’s up to you – last time I made 6, ate one instantly and saved the rest for a couple of days worth of chocolate treats.

This recipe serves 2

RAW Chocolate Chia & Coconut Mousse
This RAW Chocolate Chia & Coconut Mousse is fantastically easy and quick to make – if you’re craving something smooth, sweet and super healthy then try this.
    Servings Prep Time
    2 People 2 Minuites
    Cook Time Passive Time
    2 Minuites 10 Minuites
    Servings Prep Time
    2 People 2 Minuites
    Cook Time Passive Time
    2 Minuites 10 Minuites
    RAW Chocolate Chia & Coconut Mousse
    This RAW Chocolate Chia & Coconut Mousse is fantastically easy and quick to make – if you’re craving something smooth, sweet and super healthy then try this.
      Servings Prep Time
      2 People 2 Minuites
      Cook Time Passive Time
      2 Minuites 10 Minuites
      Servings Prep Time
      2 People 2 Minuites
      Cook Time Passive Time
      2 Minuites 10 Minuites
      • 1 tbsp RAW Cacoa Powder
      • 1 handful Almond Soak first
      • 1 Ripe Banana
      • 1 Ripe Avocado
      • 1 handful Currants (Dates or Raisins would work)
      • 3-4 drops Vanilla Essence
      • 1/2 cup Coconut Water (or Coconut Milk)
      • 1 tbsp Chia Seeds
      Servings: People
      1. Depending on the quality of your blender you may need to process the Chia Seeds and Almonds prior to adding the ingredients. This should take 30 seconds to a minute at the most.
      2. The simply through the rest of your ingredients into the food processor/blender. If you're using dates instead of raisins then don't forget to check for stones.
      3. Blend for around 1 minute, the longer you blend the creamier the consistency.
      4. Scoop into a glass / pot and sprinkle with either fresh, grated coconut or desiccated coconut.
      5. If you need this in a hurry you can pop it in the freezer for 5-10 mins to set super quick. If not leave in the fridge to set for as long as you are able to resist. remember the longer you leave it, the more intense the flavour.
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