OK, so this is how completely ridiculous and totally inappropriate specific anxiety can manifest.
I bought a ‘Spirali Vegetable Spiralizer’ – YEARS AGO.
However, I’ve never been able to bring myself to try it out. Just looking at it makes me freeze with fear (OK, I admit I’m very slightly exaggerating…but it does scare me). I don’t even know why. I’ve wanted to try it out on SO MANY different occasions – BUT, I’ve always been genuinely SCARED of the ‘Spirali Spiralizer’….it frightens me, IT DOES. Anyway, welcome to the world of Zoe Rogerson.
This worry is completely uncalled for though, especially since I purchased the ‘Spirali Spiralizer’ I’ve travelled through Asia ALONE, got very lost (and nearly STOLEN) in Jakarta, I missed my plane to Borneo and fell in a large river containing leeches and numerous bugs looking for a nearby hostel, narrowly missed a bomb by 1 day, an earthquake in Indonesia by 3 days and I’ve worked in community projects in North Ghana ALONE where I got lost (yes, getting lost IS a Zoe theme) in the forest and drank homemade GIN with unusual strangers – it was great (I think) but I still don’t remember how I found my way back to the village, I’ve also faced the confusion and challenge of a serious cancer diagnosis (NOT alone though..thanks everyone..) I’ve had numerous operations and quite a lot of other pretty stressful ‘stuff’ going on – so it’s not like I’ve led a particularly sheltered and stress free life is it? – and yet I still couldn’t face the dreaded ‘Spirali Spiralizer’. HA HA….
So, as I also work in Mental Health when I’m not ‘fooding’ I’ve decided to diagnose myself with “Specific Spiralizing Anxiety Disorder”. That was a good move, as I now have an official diagnosis – apparently that makes it easier to ‘treat’. So, I woke up this morning deciding to “Face the Spiralizer Fear” (and dance with —- RAW FOOD). Although I do have to admit, finally getting a new kitchen fitted and reading a post from my friend in California stating how proud she was of me also massively helped to inspire me out of my semi-anxious state of being.
Thanks Penny, the timing was perfect – it’s been a strange few weeks for various reasons – but it all gets better from here. After all, I have a ‘Spirali Spiralizer’. Look it’s not that scary is it?….
My next decision was WHAT TO SPIRALIZE…?!?
That was easy – I had half a (giant) butternut squash left in the fridge – I’d planned to cook a curry over the weekend – however my RAW intake hasn’t been as great as it should be recently, so today I’m on a COLD DAY – which means eating mainly raw food and drinking fresh juices. I started the day with a gorgeous Green Juice with Ginger, Apples, Cucumber and fresh Kale. PERFECT.
I cannot belive how easy this was to make. My ‘Spirali Spiralizer’ is stupidly simple to use – I even love typing ‘Spirali Spiralizer’, I like how it sounds… ‘Spirali Spiralizer’ – opps, now I’ve gone from Spiralizing Anxiety to Spiralizing Obsession in a very short amount of time. It does have a nice ring to it though doesn’t it? The Spirali Spiralizer is actually great fun to use too – although I do feel like I’ve had a bit of a mini workout with all that holding it down, turning and pushing at the same time. I tried Spiralizing with my left hand just to even it out – but it didn’t work so well…ouch. Those blades are sharp – BE CAREFUL.
Anyway, I decided not to watch videos and guides on how to ‘Spirali Spiralize’ correctly – I thought that if I thought too much I might not Spiralize for another 6 years. So, I chopped my Butternut Squash into 4 ‘spiral sized’ pieces.
Basically you place each piece on the central guide, choose a blade, turn the handle, hold on tight and Spirali Spiralize. That’s it. IT’S EASY and it’s not scary.
The Squash comes out like fine noodles or thicker spaghetti depending on what size blade you choose.
I’m guessing that these would also be lovely griddled for a few minutes or steamed. However I’m having these RAW. I’m on a COLD DAY, so I’ll leave that for another day. The health benefits of RAW Butternut Squash are pretty incredible, Butternut Squash is actually a fruit and the glowing orange suggests its most beneficial health perk – the gorgeous cancer fighting CAROTENE. It’s also brilliant for inflammation and choc full of vitamin A, potassium and fibre too.
How can you possibly resist this??? RAW Butternut Squash has a deliciously sweet, tangy flavour. You’ll love it. It’s also fantastic in fresh juices, in fact all Squash is great juiced – THIS is my favourite juiced Squash recipe SO FAR.
Anyway back to my new friend, Spirali. Once I’d spiralized I added some RAW vegan pesto that I’d defrosted from the freezer in preparation. I’ll post the recipe soon. It’s a lifesaver. That’s it. I ate it for lunch with some spinach. It was absolutely delicious. And I’m sure I’ll have more for dinner. I even made a tub of RAW spiralized Butternut Squash with Pesto, Spinach and Tomato for my lunch tomorrow. I can’t wait to eat already!
I really think you should go and buy a Spirali Spiralizer – the perfect way to add more RAW food into your diet.
By the way, it’s also gluten-free and vegan – even more perfect.
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